Iron Fist is out and happening in a big way! Is it the disaster some say?
We talk about that but also Guardians 2 news, Mindhorn, MI6, Transformers The Last One, DC news all round, The Matrix getting another Matrix and the future of Star Wars! Thanks for listening.
Iron Fist Easter Eggs:
0:00 The Start
4:25 GOTG2 Stallone and the guy that was Lex Luthor
8:36 Mindhorn
11:32 Henry Cavill joins MI6
12:55 Transformers: The Last Knight trailer…3?
15:49 DC News
26:41 The Matrix get’s a reboot
33:42 Future of Star Wars
34:47 Iron Fist Spoiler Free
1:01:33 Iron Fist Spoilers
1:10:45 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read
1:11:31 – 1:15:35 Star Wars Rebels Spoilers
1:16:03 Letters It’s Time For Letters
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