Big news big podcast big week big time! We’ve got casting for The Suicide Squad, another Game Of Thrones prequel, an IT supercut, Spider-Man MCU rumours, Darth Vader TV series, a story rumour for The Batman, the return of Tony Stark to the MCU, Hailee Steinfeld , Steve’s new hair and FaceOff BUT AGAIN?!?

0:00 The Start Of The Show

1:13 The Suicide Squad Cast

7:34 GOT prequel again

9:42 IT extended cut

12:11 Harbinger movie movies about

15:02 Spider-Man MCU update

16:51 The Batman story details

19:02 Darth Vader TV series

21:33 Iron Man returns!

25:09 Kate Bishop casting

25:45 Steve what are you doing

28:14 2 Face 2 Furi-off

36:15 The Stallone Filmography

1:32:16 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read

1:35:34 Letters It’s Time For Letters