Hello and welcome to the earliest clip show this year. Hope everything’s alright mate.
00:00 The Start
02:40 Red Hot Comic Book Movie News
- 341: Westworld
- 001: Episode One
- 232: Jurassic Snark
- 318: Hot Scoop or Shot of Poop
- 328: Scott Handsome
- 365: Lando: Star Wars News
- 320: No Gambit Talk
- 321: Punch a Duck
- 327: Not Iron Fist
- 330: Sexy Robin Hood News
- 331: Dawn of Quibi
- 335: Mason vs Hemsworths
- 345: The New Mutants: (more like old mutants)
- 344: It’s PC Gone Mad
- 334: Crabs Took a Boat
- 336: Tenet: Backwards Boys
- 339: Tenet: King of Movies
- 345: Tenet: Teen ET
- 348: Elongated Muskrat
- 352: Dune or Dune?
- 353: Mums Don’t Know
- 358: The Meg 2: Kronos Control
01:09:10 Intermission
01:11:45 No Time To Die
- 320: There’s Hardly Enough
- 322: Simply Not Enough Hours in the Day
- 324: Turns Out There’s More Than Enough
- 326: Just Die Another Day Now
- 330: It’s That Joke We Do
- 351: Clear Some Space in Your Diary
01:17:49 Movies and Topics
- 325: Movies That Were Long Delayed: Cranky Knife & Rattus Jones
- 321: Birds of Prey: What Do You Think The Story Was?
- 326: Everything is Cancelled Except Bloodshot: Mr Blood’s Hot
- 327: A Weird Disney Plus Deep Dive: Blackbeard
- 328: The History of Robin: John Blake
- 329: Harry Potter and the Half Brick Prince
- 331: Superhero Showdown: Austin Powers vs Shrek
- 331: Superhero Showdown: Dredd vs The Mandalorian
- 338: Fan Theories Hot Stuff Sexy Dads: Demon Bat
- 351: Mulan: What Do You Think The Story Was?
- 353: Movies That Need Sequels: Will Smith Movies
- 363: Trouble in Paradise
- 361: We Saw Tenet: The Backwards Boys
- 362: The New Mutants: The Demon Bear
- 363: How to Reboot a Dying Franchise: Doctor Who
- 364: Everything is Coming To HBO Max: The Conjuring
02:27:24 Hate Mail but ‘H8’ has an ‘8’ in it
- 326: Blindy and The Beard
- 341: General Cheese
- 350: Cuck City
- 355: The Doug Anthony Allstars
02:41:20 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read
- 334 – 368: Westworld Supercut
- 330: Friends with all the Listeners
- 321: Net Worth and Punch a Duck
- 324: Jurassic Snark Returns
- 326: Michael Caine
- 353: Tom ‘Olland
02:56:25 Letters, it’s Time For Letters
- 334: No Time To Die
- 344: Defenders of the Earth
- 361: Mr Peanut and Pumpkin Movies
- 364: Mason’s Theme
- 318: Mad Ghost Productions
- 364: The Weekly Planet: Ginger and Pomegranate
- 324: Best Episode Ever
03:11:44 The End
Thanks for listening <3
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