Punisher: War Zone (Extended)

It’s time for peak The Punisher everyone. In 2008 under the Marvel Knights brand Lionsgate attempted another Punisher rebooted with Ray Stevenson stepping into the role of Frank Castle. It wasn’t received well at the time nor did it perform well at the box office despite, in hindsight, it being an incredible fun and gory time at the movies. Director Lexi Alexander managed to craft what feels like the truest on screen adaptation of the character we’ve ever seen and even manages to include the likes of Jigsaw, with a suitably unhinged performance from Dominic West. Great stuff. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

The Punisher 2004 (Extended)

Bit of a delay on this week’s video version for Caravan of Garbage due to some late in the day editing switches. But don’t worry, everyone is living their best life. Not even The Punisher can stop us releasing this extended audio edition for bigsandwich.co though.

In 2004 Marvel took another shot at making a Punisher live action adaptation after the success of Spider-Man, X-Men & Daredevil (I guess?), the Thomas Jane in the lead role. Also acting as his Year One original story it pits him against John Travolta and a family of mobsters who had his entire extended family un-alived (that’s for YouTube censorship) after Frank Castle acted out a truly bizarre undercover pantomime drug deal. It’s fairly melodramatic and drawn out but it does boast one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Punisher 1989 (Extended)

The first cinematic adaptation of The Punisher happened to be a little known action film from the late 80’s staring Dolph Lundgren. Sure he was missing the signature white skull, black jumpsuit and white boots (disgraceful omission) but there’s a lot of core elements that have held up pretty well despite the limitations of the era. SO COME WITH US as we journey through all the films in the Punisher’s repertoire and thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Elektra (Extended)

Daredevil may not have gotten the sequel it probably I guess deserved but it did get a spin-off. ELEKTRA. 2005. Brought back to life using magic or a wish or something after being killed in Daredevil, Jennifer Garner returns to the role where this time she’s an assassin who can sometimes see the future sometimes. This time she has to face The Hand and a bunch of henchpeople who are probably mutants including a man who’s tattoo’s come to life and also his name is Tattoo. All in all it’s not very good. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!

Daredevil 2003 (Extended)

Daredevil 2003 came in the a wave of Marvel comic book success stories like Blade, Spider-Man and X-Men. Ben Affleck’s Matt Murdoch however didn’t manage to reach those same heights despite being a pretty solid action movie. For the time. How could it not with Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin, Colin Farrell in his first comic book villain role as Bullseye and Jennifer Garner as Elektra who recently returned in Deadpool & Wolverine. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Captain America: Civil War (Extended)

Captain America is back and this time he wants to beat up Iron Man! In wrapping up our look at the Steve Rogers Captain America trilogy we take a look at the biggest entry, Civil War. After Tony Stark again begins to feel bad about being a bad bloke he backs the General Ross drafted Sokovia Accords which means more regulations for any enhanced beings. This acts as the introduction of both Spider-Man and Black Panther and divides The Avengers into two distinct teams who beat each other up in an airport among other physical activities. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Extended)

We’ve reached what many consider to be the pinnacle of the MCU, 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Taking place after the events of The Avengers we again see Steve Rogers adjusting to the modern world and delves into the grey area surrounding his work in the modern day. Also Hydra is back! And a mysterious assassin wearing a mask with a metal arm who may have ties to Captain America’s past! Also Nick Fury does some really cool stuff for what is probably the last time. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Captain America: The First Avenger (Extended)

We’re back with the first Caravan Of Garbage for 2025, Captain America: The First Avenger. In the lead up to Brave New World we take a look back at the first in the trilogy and the introduction of Chris Evan’s portrayal of Steve Rogers. Acting as a prequel in the MCU timeline it takes us back to his battles with the Red Skull and Hydra during the events of World War II. Directed by The Rocketeer’s Joe Johnston and also starring Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter, Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes and Stanley Tucci as Dr. Abraham Erskine it managed to lay the groundwork for future installments on top of being an absolutely cracking adventure movie in its own right. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended)

In 2003 The Lord of the Rings trilogy came to it’s stunning conclusion with The Return of the King. Everything has been building to this moment, Aragorn ascenending to the throne, Frodo and Sam fast approaching Mount Doom, Merry and Pippen picking they’re own teams and Legolas…killing an elephant or something. Sweeping the academy awards with 11 wins and pulling in over a billion dollars Middle Earth had never been bigger! And it never would again. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended)

A mere year after the first entry in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy came The Two Towers, not simply a rehash of what came before but a vastly different continuation of the story. With the fellowship split up, Frodo and Sam making for Mordor with the one ring, Merry and Pippin hanging out with a talking tree and Aragon, Legolas and Gimli helping defend Rohan at Helms Deep things ramp up in a big way. Also Gandalf is back and he’s got a new style and powers and stuff. Thanks for watching our Caravan of Garbage review.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended)

In 2001 kicked of the start of a remarkable trilogy of films, live action adaptations of The Lord of the Rings beginning with The Fellowship of the Ring. From director Peter Jackson and filmed in his home country of New Zealand these movies have served as the pinnacle of blockbuster cinema managing to perfectly balance heart, action, spectacle, model work and CGI. With an incredible cast of mostly unknowns including Elijah Woods, Seasn Astin, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Cate Blanchett, Ian Holm, Hugo Weaving, Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler, Billy Boyd, John Rhys-Davies, Dominic Monaghan and the late great Christopher Lee. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!

Noah (Extended)

In 2014 Darren Aronofsky hit us with the Russell Crowe lead biblical epic Noah. A bold and accurate(?) retelling of the classic Old Testament tale of one man and his family in a quest to help God kill everyone on earth but not all the animals, just most of them. This concludes our Rusty Crowe His-Trilogy for 2024, but don’t worry we’ll definitely return to more down the line. Probably like Robin Hood or whatever I dunno. Thanks for listening!

Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World (Extended)

We’re back to continue on our Rusty Crowe His-Trilogy, a peak into three Russell Crowe historical epics. This week it’s 2003’s Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, a critically lauded nautical adventure that didn’t quite reach the audience it needs to warrent a sequel. Also featuring the likes of Paul Bettany, Billy Boyd and James D’Arcy it’s well worth of look if this one happened to pass you by. Thanks for watching out our Caravan Of Garbage review

Gladiator (Extended)

In the year 2000 Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe successfully brought swords and sandals cinema back to the big screen with Gladiator! An epic tale drenched in revenge, blood and sand in what has since been considered one of the greatest movies of all time. Featuring a young Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielson, Djimon Hounsou, Richard Harris and the final performance from Oliver Reed we also get into the bizarre sequel we nearly got before an official Gladiator II hits cinemas in 2024. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!

The Thing 2011 (Extended)

In 2011 Universal had the absolute audacity to release a prequel to John’s Carpenter’s The Thing telling the story of the Norwegian camp we briefly saw in the original. With Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton in the lead it seems as if a genuinely solid attempt was made at recapturing the magic of the first before studio interference didn’t do justice to the original practical special effects by papering them over with rushed CGI, diminished character moments and re-edited story beats. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

The Thing (Extended)

John Carpenter’s The Thing from 1982 we treated incredibly harshly upon it’s initial release. Labelled disgusting and mean on arrival audiences gradually turned around on it with it becoming one of the greatest horror movies of all time. With an incredible central performances from the likes of Kurt Russell and Keith David, ground breaking special effects from Rob Bottin, a haunting and terrifying atmosphere and an amazing score from the legendary Ennio Morricone it’s probably the best thing that’s ever happened to humanity. No cap. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Oz the Great and Powerful (Extended)

In 2013 Sam Raimi decided to try something a little out of his wheelhouse of horror or comic book movies and directed a Wizard of Oz prequel focusing on the great and powerful wizard. Starring James Franco (RIP), Michelle Williams, Milla Kunis and Rachel Weisz it details his arrival into the mystical land, the origin of the Wicked Witch of the West and how the wizard has always been a dog of a bloke. Not a bad one to be honest. Anyways, thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

The Wizard of Oz (Extended)

Believe it or not The Wizard of Oz wasn’t an immediate hit when it originally released in 1939. It was only in subsequent decades that it became the pop culture phenomenon which spawned multiple spin-offs, prequels and sequels like the upcoming adaptation of the stage musical Wicked. So come with is as we journey back (more…)

Hellboy 2019 (Extended)

In 2019 Lionsgate attempted the unimaginable, a reboot of the Hellboy franchise after the much beloved Guillermo del Toro and Ron Pearlman dead cancelled trilogy. With David Harbour stepping into the role and directed (sort of) by Neil Marshall it was a critical and commercial bomb. HOWEVER as a movie some perhaps feel that it’s (more…)

Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Extended)

Despite the first Hellboy underperforming at the box office home DVD sales meant a sequel still moved forward resulting in Hellboy 2: The Golden Army in 2008. And the result is a film that’s bigger, funnier and with more golden armies than ever. With Ron Pearlman, Doug Jones and Guillermo del Toro firing on all cylinders it’s not wonder people are still asking for the sequel that will never come. Thanks for checking out of Caravan Of Garbage review

Hellboy (Extended)

In 2019 Lionsgate attempted the unimaginable, a reboot of the Hellboy franchise after the much beloved Guillermo del Toro and Ron Pearlman dead cancelled trilogy. With David Harbour stepping into the role and directed (sort of) by Neil Marshall it was a critical and commercial bomb. HOWEVER as a movie some perhaps feel that it’s been judged unfairly especially considering the mythology, creature work, world building and story. Thanks for checking out of Caravan Of Garbage review

Terminator 2: Judgement Day (Extended)

What started as a fairly simple slasher premise (robot gets sent back from the future to kill the mother of the future saviour of mankind but also she gets sent a human protector whom also happens to be the childs father) very quickly evolved into one of the biggest action movies of all time. Terminator 2: Judgement Day has both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton return as the T-800 and Sarah Connor in a race to prevent the future war and protect John Connor from the T-1000, a mimetic polyalloy machine, aided by ground breaking abilities/special effects. Great movie. No notes

The Terminator (Extended)

The Terminator 1984 is an absolute all out sci-fi action classic. The brainchild of director James Cameron and producer Gale Anne Hurd it introduced the world to the titular Terminator as played by then rising star Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor the mother of future savior John Connor along with Michael Biehn as Kyle Reece a soldier sent back through time to protect Sarah. Essentially an extremely well executed slasher movie it holds up extremely well some four decades later and kicked off a franchise that like the Terminator itself refuses to die. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Alien: Resurrection (Extended)

It’s time to wrap up the Ellen Ripley Alien film series with a look at what’s probably the weakest entry, Alien: Resurrection. Set two hundred years after the last and bring back Sigourney Weaver as a clone of the original Ripley it has all the thrills and chills of the best Alien movies but not as good. Sure there’s some fun stuff in it like breath verification and a basketball shot people won’t shut up about but other stuff like the xenomorphy/human hybrid just fall flat. Thanks for checking out this Caravan Of Garbage series!

Alien 3 (Extended)

Opinions of Alien 3 are certainly divided. Off the back of the terrific first two entries expectations were high for the return of Ellen Ripley, Hicks and Newt but things didn’t exactly turn out well for 66% of those characters. Taking things back to the single monster scare of Alien 1979 David Fincher does his best to elevate the story whilst constantly wrestling with the studio with what resulted in a movie he still very much hates to this day. But Alien 3 is certainly not without it’s redeeming qualities. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Aliens (Extended)

There are very few sequels that are able to match the original or potentially surpass it. James Cameron’s Aliens is one of those films. Arriving in 1986 seven years after the last it marks the return of Sigorney Weavers Ellen Ripley whom is awoken from cryosleep 57 years after the events of Alien 1979. Great movies and good vibes. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Alien (Extended)

Alien 1979 is a beautiful combination of sci-fi and horror which has rarely been replicated since. With Ridley Scott’s direction, HR Giger’s unique visual design, unsettling special effects, tight script and a unique exploration of both alien life and artificial intelligence it’s no wonder it went to spawn multiple sequels, prequels and spin offs. Probably too many really. Thanks for checking out or Caravan Of Garbage review

Logan (Extended)

We’re finishing off the Wolverine Trilogy with what’s considered it’s strongest entry, Logan. A reflection on aging, loss, grief, parenthood and what it means to stab a bunch of people with your clone daughter. Terrific performances all round and an incredible ending to Hugh Jackman’s tenure as the titular character. It’s a shame we’ll never see him again because he died. Thanks for checking out our Caravan Of Garbage review

The Wolverine (Extended)

We’ve hit the middle child of the Wolverine trilogy with 2013’s The Wolverine! Acting as a redemption arc for both the character and the response to X-Men Origins: Wolverine a burnt out Logan heads on over to Japan for action, romanace, trauma and to fight an old man in a giant shiny robot suit. Thanks for checking out our Caravan Of Garbage review

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Extended)

With Hugh Jackman returning as Logan in Deadpool & Wolverine we’ve decided to take a look at the Wolverine Trilogy, starting with the first and the worst X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Acting also as the live action introduction of Deadpool it has all the ingredients of a great X-Men adventure and yet it falls down at almost every step it takes. Thanks for checking out of Caravan Of Garbage review

Kick-Ass 2 (Extended)

Due to the moderate success of the first Kick-Ass a sequel was greenlit almost immediately titled Kick-Ass 2. With most of the characters returning (despite some recasts) and the addition of new heroes like Jim Carrey’s Colonel Stars and Stripes the stakes have never been higher for Dave Lizewski and Hit-Girl! But the vibes are off. Thanks for checking out our Caravan Of Garbage review

Kick-Ass (Extended)

In 2010 we got the second live action Mark Millar comic adaptation in Kick-Ass. Set in the “real world” where superheros only exist in fiction it follows Dave Lizewski as the first person to done a costume and fight crime. The result was something brutal, bloody and funny and a film that was fairly unique for the time enough that it became a moderate success. Thanks for checking out our Caravan Of Garbage review

Assassin’s Creed (Extended)

Assassin’s Creed 2016 is Ubisofts second attempt to bring one of their beloved video game franchises to the screen. And the results were yet again…lacking. Headed up by Michael Fassbender playing the duel role of a future guy and ancient history guy it parkours it’s way in and around the neverending battle between the Assassin Order and the Templars for a glowing apple that can probably do something. Thanks for checking out our Caravan Of Garbage review

Warcraft (Extended)

WAR. And craft. Well I’ve never heard of such a thing but regardless let’s get into the 2016 Warcraft film adaptation directed by Duncan Jones. Acting as an origin story for the conflict between the orcs of Draenor and the humans of Azotha it both sides this epic conflict with more motion capture than the average brain can possibly comprehend. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Extended)

It’s time for move bad movies that did badly at the box office video game edition! This week, 2010’s Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time starring one Jacob Gyllenhaal as the titular Prince Dastan. It basically boiled down to this being Disney’s attempt at another Pirates of the Caribbean but instead of turning out like Pirates of the Caribbean it turned out like that bad Pirates of the Caribbean. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Max Payne (Extended)

We’re kicking off a brand new series with a look at four terrible video game movies that are bad and did badly. Starting with 2008’s Max Payne starring Mark Wahlberg. Aiming to capture the tragedy, action and frenetic energy of the original two games it absolutely does not. But at the same time as discussed it certainly takes the franchise to a new level. In a way. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.

War for the Planet of the Apes (Extended)

With War for the Planet of the Apes we got the conclusion of the Caesar storyline. We’re now in a full on primate/human conflict with Caesar seeking revenge for the death of his wife and son against Woody Harrelson’s Colonel J. Wesley McCullough. On top of that we have the evolution of a virus that renders humans mute leading up to where we were in the original 1968 movie. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Extended)

It’s always dawn after the rise. I think. Something like that. Because this week we’re getting into Dawn of the Planet of the Apes with a returning Caesar (played again by Andy Serkis) trying to keep his primate community alive whilst battle external human forces and simian forces from within. With Matt Reeves now at the helm Planet of the Apes was bigger than ever! And the movies are good! Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Extended)

In 2011 the great minds over at 20th Century Fox decided to reboot the Planet of the Apes franchise but make it actually good. Aiming to be a retelling of the ape uprising and the origin of Caesar, a super intelligent chimpanzee played by Andy Serkis. Just apes and mates running amok. Thanks for checking out our Caravan Of Garbage review.

Mad Max: Fury Road (Extended)

Mel Gibson is out and Tom Hardy is in! Mad Max finally returned after a 30 year hiatus with Fury Road. This time around he’s tangled himself up with Immortan Joe, a warlord of the wastelands on a vengeful quest to retrieve his stolen brides from Charlize Theron’s Furiosa. And it turns out it’s a pretty good movie with all its stunts and cars and punching and explosions and whatever. Thanks for checking out our review

Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (Extended)

Mel Gibson’s run as Mad Max Rockatansky ended with Beyond Thunderdome in 1985. Set 15 years after the last it’s often considered the weakest of the original trilogy but it’s not without it’s moments. Including the inclusion of Tina Turner as Aunty Entity, a bungee cord death match, a tribe of lost children and Australia’s own Gary Stephen “Angry” Anderson. Thanks for listening to our Caravan Of Garbage review

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (Extended)

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior allowed director George Miller to take the concepts and character from the 1979 original and really put the boot in. That meant a bigger myth, bigger stunts, bigger men, more butts cut out of leather trousers. And the result was a lot of the iconic imagery we know of the character even today. Forty years on it still holds up and it’s influence has been felt across multiple other media properties. MAD MAX. Mad Max. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.

Mad Max (Extended)

Before there was Max Fury Road there was two other Mad Max movies and then the original Mad Max movie from 1979. The directorial debut of George Miller and the first feature film from Melvin Gibson it gave the Australian film industry the kick in the arse it needed with it’s influence the world over still being felt today. Crazy stunts, insane (or mad) performances and more Victorian Country Roads than you can possible imagine there’s a reason it’s legacy still endures. Thanks for watching.

King Kong 1933 (Extended)

We’re going back to where it all began, the original King Kong movie from 1933. It’s influence is still felt to this very day with it’s unique story, amazing use of stop motion coupled with rear projection and a symphonic score to accompany the iconic imagery. It’s easy to see why it became an instant classic and remains relevant in the year 2024. Thanks for watching.

Godzilla 1954 (Extended)

It seems unlikely that the creators behind the 1954 original Japanese Godzilla movie could anticipated it not only remaining culturally relevant at least 70 years but also would eventually feature Godzilla and King King (sans metal gauntlet) traveling into the hollow earth to fight a race of giant orang utans or whatever happens in Godzilla V Kong. And yet here we are. Anyways, lets all take a look at where it all started. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review

The REAL Ghostbusters (Extended)

After the success of Ghostbusters 1984 but before the mediocrity of Ghostbusters 2 there was The REAL Ghostbusters, an animated childrens show that aimed to keep the series alive. And also sell toys to children. The story behind it’s creation is fascinating unlike the show itself which is not great. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.

The Legend Of Zorro (Extended)

In 2005 we finally were treated to a follow up to The Mask Of Zorro with The Legend Of Zorro. Antonio Banderas is back as Alejandro de la Vega along with Catherine Zeta Jones this time going up against Rufus Sewell. Whilst not reaching the heights either critically or financially of the 1998 original it’s still got a bunch of great Zorroing in it and that’s fun. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.

The Mask of Zorro (Extended)

Here at Caravan Of Garbage industries there is one hard and fast rule. Zorro is the best. And arguably the pinnacle of Zorro (of which there are many) in the 1998 action adventure romance triumph The Mask Of Zorro starring Antonio Banderas, Anthony Hopkins and Catherine Zeta-Jones directed by Martin Campbell. Great movie. Good Zorro-ing.

(Avatar) The Last Airbender (Extended)

In 2010 Hollywood attempted the impossible, a direct live action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Turns out. It was impossible. With many considering this to be M. Night Shyamalan’s worst directorial effort by a long way putting a stop to any potential sequel or new live action adaptation until recently. Thanks for watching our (more…)