Jingle All the Way (Streaming Edition) – The Weekly Planet Commentary

Oh my god it’s The Weekly Planet talking over an absolute Christmas classic.

This is a new version of the commentary track and now compatible with the movie on most streaming sites. The original track was recorded alongside the slightly extended DVD edition and is still available on this feed. It’s about four minutes longer. Huge thank you to William Hall-Esquire for editing down this edition and saving Christmas.

Have a great week everyone and thanks for listening.

Jingle All the Way (Extended Edition) – The Weekly Planet Commentary

Oh my god it’s The Weekly Planet talking over an absolute Christmas classic.

This version is compatible with the slightly (four minute) extended DVD version of the movie. If you’re watching on a streaming service? Check out the other track on this feed. It’ll work great hopefully.

Merry Christmas and have a safe holiday!

The Amazing Spider​-Man – The Weekly Planet Commentary

With The Amazing Spider-man 2 hitting cinemas the world over, now seems like a good a time as any to record a commentary track for the first in the series. Please start the audio commentary as soon as the Paramount logo fades. Thanks everyone! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this (more…)

Captain America: The First Avenger – The Weekly Planet Commentary

In anticipation of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Mr Sunday and Mason poorly attempt an audio commentary for the first Captain America’s first MCU appearance. Please start your copy of Captain America: TFA at 56 seconds. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: Sign In