Big years, big movies, big times!
Welcome to another episode of James & Maso’s Time Crapsule. Thanks you so much for listening.
Big years, big movies, big times!
Welcome to another episode of James & Maso’s Time Crapsule. Thanks you so much for listening.
We’re back and not a moment too soon or we’re too early or late. This week we give our final thoughts on WandaVision and the beginning of this new era of Marvel story telling.
Plus news of more delays, Space Jam 2 in hot water, Superman & Lois gets a season 2, Zack Snyder Justice League news, a Kenobi and Cassian Andor crossover plus The Mutants might finally be getting a reboot. Thanks for listening!
00:00 The Start
04:25 Delays But Don’t Dismays
05:48 Space Jam 2 Controversy
12:27 Superman and Lois Season 2
13:13 Zack Snyder Justice News
25:39 Kenobi Joins Cassian Andor
26:21 The Mutants Movie Rumour
28:13 WandaVision Full Season Spoiler Review
53:05 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read
59:41 Letters, It’s Time For Letters
Early WandaVision series finale audio edition! Woo!
Superman 4 A Quest For Peace was heralded as a return to form for the Chris Reeve movies. But it was…not. Despite bringing back Gene Hackman and the introduction of a nuclear powered supervillian things took a turn with budget concerns, wonky story beats and a brutal edit. Things didn’t end well for the series (more…)
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Check out Claire’s brand new weekly newsletter – tontsnewsletter This week’s Suggestibles: Raya and the Last Dragon Adam Grant on Armchair Expert New Amsterdam Surfing?! Claire’s Newsletter Maso Prime Mates Live Show Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d (more…)
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of The Big Sandwiche Classique Comique Booque Clubbe.
Spoilers start around 9 minutes 20 seconds.
My goodness it’s Superman a go go this week with the brand new Superman & Lois TV series, Supergirl being cast as well as a new Superman coming to cinemas. Plus we get a Loki release date, Spider-Man 3 gets a title, the future of R Rated movies in the MCU, Tom Holland has some (more…)
Slightly later but still early audio edition of the WandaVision recap with Jimmy and Nicky.
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Check out Claire’s brand new weekly newsletter: This week’s Suggestibles: Soul Jon Batiste Framing Britney Spears Firefly Lane The Kid Detective Taylor Swift Goat Remix Bump Episode Tiny Lungs Joanna Bennett Insta Colossal Send your recommendations to (more…)
Superman 3 is considered by many to be the Superman 3 of he Superman franchise. Lex Luthor is gone along with most of the cast and Christopher Reeve this time plays second fiddle to Richard Pryor is a movie so bafflingly stupid it makes me question my own sanity and if movies have ever been (more…)
A big sandwich exclusive podcast hosted by Nick Mason and Mr Sunday Movies. Thanks for listening. No snitches.
Feel free to send your click bait article examples to [email protected].
This week we are joined by Naomi Higgins and Mark Bonanno to talk about their new show as well as ho you’d adapt certain video games to movies and TV. We also get stuck into the new Zack Snyder Justice League trailer and his idea for a King Arthur movie, Tim Burton brings The Adams (more…)
Extra early WandaVision review audio for Mason’s best friends.
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Sign up to Claire’s brand new weekly newsletter! If you want to: This week’s Suggestibles start at 13:10: A Teacher I May Destroy You The Rental The Mother Fault Driveways Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love (more…)
Building off the good work done in Superman The Movie in 1978, Superman II this time around brings the action with three evil Kryptonian villains lead by General Zod. However this movie was absolutely riddled with problems all stemming from the firing of original director Richard Donner who was replaced with Richard Lester. It’s a wild ride. Thanks for listening!
Thor the First Thor! And thank you for the support of all this.
Welcome to a new podcast where we discuss all sorts of things. Do you want specifics? Fine this week we talk about Black Widow on Disney Plus, Tom Holland wig news, Face/Off gets a sequel, Gina Carano removed from Star Wars, Last of Us casting, Borderlands and Sonic 2 casting, Captain Marvel’s new villain and (more…)
Early audio in this spookiest time of year and I’m not talking about bloody tax time.
Superman The Movie from 1978 is considered the gold standard in superhero film making. Setting trends that resonate to this very day the Richard Donner classic introduced the world to Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder as well as bringing a air of legitimacy to the DC Comics universe with the casting of Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman. It’s also kind of very silly. This is out Caravan Of Garbage review, thanks for listening!
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: Sound of Metal Mr Holland’s Opus Bump If Anything Happens I Love You Framing Britney Spears It’s a Sin Waves Magic Spoon (not a sponsor YET) Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear (more…)
It’s a big sandwich exclusive episode can you beliiiiiieve it?
From Bond to Boobs, James and Maso are back to review the year 1962.
Early podcast! Hello! This week we’re joined by returning legends Andy & Al from The Pop Test and Two in the Think Tank. Thanks so much for the support.
Hello! Please find it within your heart to accept this extra early audio edition of our WandaVision recap show.
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestible is Promising Young Woman (spoilers from 21 minutes). Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook @suggestiblepod and join our ‘Planet Broadcasting Great (more…)
Due to popular demand and shear force of numbers we have returned to finish off the final episodes of 2017’s Inhumans. A terrible show by most metrics with the less said about it the better. And yet here we are. With a second episode. Hours wasted watching, recording and editing. Thanks for listening.
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of The Big Sandwiche Classique Comique Booque Clubbe.
What up dawg, it’s your extra early podcast with timecodes coming soon. There’s no spoilers for anything except maybe Gossip Girl though. Have a great rest of the weekend and thanks for listening.
Hello! Please enjoy early access to audio which goes up on YouTube this Sunday. Or you might like to wait for the images and wavy line thing.
Either way it’s our famous segment. Who is Watching the Famous TV Series, WandaVision. James & Maso. Weekly Planet Podcast.
Hello friend! We’re returning really soon probably but in the meantime, please enjoy some highlights from the wildest of years. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Thanks for listening and hope you’re doing alright over there. Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow the show (more…)
Caravan Of Garbage is back for a new year and what better way to kick off 2021 than with the MCU’s biggest failure, Marvel’s Inhumans. Beginning life as a movie before being shifted to ABC Television (with a brief stop over at IMAX) it’s…just not very good. Why did they do this? I mean we (more…)
Early late podcast! What up dawg, it’s a list of movies that will definitely come out this year! We’re also back to chat Godzilla vs. Kong, exciting Star Wars news, Justice League forever, more Marvel casting, Mortal Kombat, WandaVision, Wonka and Willy’s Wonderland. All the hits. So welcome back everybody and thank you for listening. (more…)
A big sandwich exclusive podcast hosted by Nick Mason and Mr Sunday Movies. Thanks for listening. No snitches.
Feel free to send your click bait article examples to [email protected].
We’ll be back in full on the 26th but in the meantime here’s a look at one of the shows we do over at Big Sandwich. On We Got We Got This Covered Covered we take the best (worst) clickbait we can find on the internet and dissect it (make fun of it) for our (more…)
The big one. Join James, Maso and Hughbert Jackman with a Weekly Planet movie commentary track for 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Thanks for listening.
Episode two of this new Big Sandwich exclusive where Jimmy and Nicky travel back in time to list some things.
Time Crapsule is now also available as a dedicated podcast feed at
Hello and welcome to the earliest clip show this year. Hope everything’s alright mate. 00:00 The Start 02:40 Red Hot Comic Book Movie News 341: Westworld 001: Episode One 232: Jurassic Snark 318: Hot Scoop or Shot of Poop 328: Scott Handsome 365: Lando: Star Wars News 320: No Gambit Talk 321: Punch a Duck (more…)
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This year’s Suggestibles: Normal People Normal People Confessions Connell’s Chain on Instagram Feel Good The Split Bridgerton The Spoon Lick (NSFW) Upright Search Party Pasta by Angie McMahon Rooftop Dancing by Sylvan Esso On the Wire by Kev (more…)
Episode six and a bite-size edition of the Big Sandwiche Classique Comique Booque Clubbe.
This week it’s the 2009 Image Comics series, Chew. Written by John Layman with art by Rob Guillroy. Thanks for listening!
2020 brought us a whole lot. Many things bad. Not good year. One of worst. But we still had some movies and a bunch of TV shows plus video games and comics and a dead streaming service all of which we discussed in our best and worst of the year! Thanks so much for all (more…)
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This year’s Suggestibles: The Trial of the Chicago 7 The Invisible Man Greenland Plus One The Ripper Expecting Amy Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2 My Octopus Teacher The Last Dance The Speed Cubers Cheer Ronny Chieng: Asian (more…)
A big sandwich exclusive podcast hosted by Nick Mason and Mr Sunday Movies. Thanks for listening. No snitches. This week’s click bait: Reindeer Games Marvel Legacy The Batman in Trouble The Batman Sequel in Trouble New Villain in the MCU Thanks for listening and feel free to send your click bait article examples to [email protected]. (more…)
If you want a review of Wonder Woman 1984 you’ve managed to land on the perfect podcast for that. But before we talk Wonder Woman we get into some new Disney Plus and Warner Brothers release dates, The Exorcist gets another sequel, Snyder Cut sequel news, the Coming 2 America trailer and MGM is in trouble (more…)
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: Recipes on Claire’s Instagram Green Sauce Christmas Crack Ham is the Worst Paw Patrol Christmas Special Let it Snow The Holiday Holiday Movies that Made Us Dolly Alderton’s Books Jane Harper’s Books Becoming by Michelle (more…)
Oh my god it’s The Weekly Planet talking over an absolute Christmas classic.
This is a new version of the commentary track and now compatible with the movie on most streaming sites. The original track was recorded alongside the slightly extended DVD edition and is still available on this feed. It’s about four minutes longer. Huge thank you to William Hall-Esquire for editing down this edition and saving Christmas.
Have a great week everyone and thanks for listening.
Wonder Woman 1984 hits at a time when the character has never been more popular or mainstream. But go back a decade and the character of Diana Prince was being lined up for her own series with everything you love about the character! Or at the very least some of the things you love about the character and some other weird inclusions. Bad show though. You’ll see. Thanks for listening!
Oh my god it’s The Weekly Planet talking over an absolute Christmas classic.
This version is compatible with the slightly (four minute) extended DVD version of the movie. If you’re watching on a streaming service? Check out the other track on this feed. It’ll work great hopefully.
Merry Christmas and have a safe holiday!
An early Big Sandwich OFF THE DOME exclusive movie commentary. We’ve done it.
Early podcast! Spoilers for The Mandalorian Season Two start from around 33 minutes. Please stay safe and have a great week mate. Dave Lee Podcast with James: Steele Wars Mandalorian Reactions: 00:00 The Start 03:43 Snyder Cut News Forever 09:55 Marvel Legends 11:21 Helstrom Cancellation 12:07 Lady Sif Returns for Thor 4 12:31 (more…)
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: Natalie Angel’s Instagram @letmetrybeforeyoubuy Detectorists Nats What I Reckon The Camry Tissue Showdown Goth Knows What He’s Doing Short Fictions on Spotify Last Year’s Spooky Christmas Suggestible Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to (more…)
Concluding a look into the horrifying The Santa Clause universe trilogy we’re covering The Escape Clause, objectively the worst one.
Absolutely horrendous implications surrounding childbirth, curses, time travel, death, it’s a nightmare. But thanks for the support and for watching.