Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation bloody impossible missioned itself into cinemas over the weekend so we get into that. Plus news of three Star Wars TV series coming to Netflix, Fantastic Four’s very late review embargo, the Channing Tatum Gambit fiasco and more. Thanks for the support! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to (more…)
94 Best & Worst Mission Impossible Films
This week, we take a wild ride though the Mission Impossible films in the lead up to Rogue Nation! The highs, the lows, the hair. Plus we talk the X-Men and Fantastic Four films crossing over, Spectre, Pixels, an Emoji film and a sequel to Jurassic World. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in (more…)
93 Ant-Man! And Suicide Squad
With Ant-man hitting cinemas the world over we bloody talk about that. In addition to the new Suicide Squad trailer, X-Men Apocalypse, an Aladdin live action prequel and Constantine appearing on The Flash. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
92 Comic Con! Batman V Superman, Deadpool, Warcraft
San Diego Comic Con is probably the biggest week of the year for comic book movies and we treat it like such by half-arsing a podcast about it. We’re talking Batman V Superman, X-Men Apocalypse, Suicide Squad, Warcraft, Deadpool and more. Plus Mason rants for a bit about Ghostbusters. Sorry mate, you need to be (more…)
91 Terminator: Genisys (with Nicholas J Johnson)
This week, James is dead or something, so Maso enlists the help of author, comedian, magician, con artist and old mate Nicholas J Johnson! We talk all kinds of news, and discuss why Terminator: Genisys is pretty much exactly what you’d expect from a Terminator movie at this point. Also, Johnson explains the easiest way (more…)
90 New Spider-man, Terminator & Arkham Knight
What a week for all the things we talk about! A new Spider-man, news on a solo Batman film, Suicide Squad and Star Trek (Track). Plus we get into Batman: Arkham Knight and what we sort of remember from all the Terminator movies. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to (more…)
89 Game Of Thrones & E3
Massive week for movie news including Batman V Superman, X-Men, Kick-Ass and more. Plus we half arse a break down of both Game Of Thrones season 5 and E3. Spoilers for GOT. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
88 Jurassic World & The New Punisher
Jurassic World, The Punisher, Ghostbusters, Marvel scared of DC at Comic Con, the passing of a legend, other things. All this and more probably in this week’s episode of the podcast this is. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
87 Entourage, Spy & Obi Wan The Movie
What a bloody week it’s been! We’re talking the release of both Entourage and Spy plus news of an Obi Wan spin-off film, Daredevil casting, Power Rangers and the new Aquaman director. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
86 San Andreas & Tomorrowland
We look at two movies this week! TWO! Also touching on a new Star Wars character, Suicide Squad, more Transformers, Wonder Woman, Deadpool and other things who care. Tomorrowland Discussion: 28.26 Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
85 The Flash, Arrow, S.H.I.E.L.D & Gotham Finales
This week seems as good as any to talk season finales concerning comic book tv shows or whatever. Or at least the ones we saw. ALSO. Shazam! Warcraft! The Joker’s tattoo’s are real for some reason. So many things Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign (more…)
84 Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max is pretty great so we talk about that. And we also cover Underworld 5, Supergirl, DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow, War Of The Planet Of The Apes and the Australian government threatening to kill Johnny Depps dogs. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
83 Everything Mad Max, Civil War & Suicide Squad
This week on the show this is we talk the new Civil War line-up, Suicide Squad, comic book TV Shows getting re-newed and a potential Boba Fett spin-off. Plus we get into the first three Mad Max films and how most of them aren’t very good. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to (more…)
82 Avengers: Age Of Ultron!
Huge episode this week where we break down Marvel’s latest blockbuster, Age Of Ultron! Plus we talk Star Wars, Batman in the Suicide Squad movie and other things I can’t remember. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
81 Star Wars Original Trilogy & The New Joker
Star Wars! Ever heard of it? Regardless this week we’re talking the original trilogy in all it’s glory plus the Joker’s controversial new look, Fantastic Four, Furious 8 and more. What a time to be alive or whatever. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
80 Trailers! Batman v Superman, Force Awakens, the rest
This week it’s-a me, Maso, uploading the show, so as usual I have no memory of what happened. We definitely talked about the spectacular Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Batman v Superman trailers, and I lose faith in the Terminator franchise again after the latest Genisys trailer. Plus I get a sweet burn from (more…)
79 Daredevil! Netflix!
With Daredevil finally landing on Netflix we break down the entire 13 episode series! We also get into news of Spider-man, The Hulk, Suicide Squad, Independence Day and other things that come up during the show or whatever. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" (more…)
78 Furious 7 & Deadpool’s R Rating
With Furious 7 gracing cinemas we talk about that! Plus we get into news of the Batman V Superman trailer, TMNT, Deadpool, Batman 66 and more! Thanks for listening. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
77 Best Movie Spies
With trailers dropping for Spectre and Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, now’s the perfect time to talk best movie spies. Also we get into news of The Avengers: Infinity War, Deadpool, X-Files, Lex Luthor and more things probably! Thanks for listening. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign (more…)
76 Best Spider-man Stories
Not only do we cover some of the best (and worst) Spider-man stories of all time this week, we also get into the big twist on The Flash, Justice League, Civil War, Age Of Ultron and a Weekly Planet Star Wars exclusive! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a (more…)
75 Star Wars: Rogue One & Chappie
Big week for Star Wars with announcements for both Star Wars Episode VIII and the first spin-off movie. We also talk Marvel’s absence from this years San Diego Comic Con, some new DC costumes, Suicide Squad casting and Niel Blompkamps Chappie actually being rather good. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock (more…)
74 Best Comic Book Weapons
We hit the ground running this week with news of Captain America: Civil War, Spider-man, Supergirl, Gotham and a new The Avengers: Age Of Ultron trailer. Plus a breakdown of the best comic book weapons. Well, some of them. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign (more…)
73 Best Comic Book Trilogies
Power Rangers! Age Of Ultron! Spider-man! Alien! Other things! It’s all happening in this week’s episode of the show this is. Plus we talk the very best and worst comic book trilogies. Thanks as always for listening. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
72 Everything Aquaman!
Big DC news this week with revelations concerning The Joker, Wonder Woman and Aquaman! Plus we talk Indiana Jones, Lucifer, X-Men and more. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
71 Spider-man Back At Marvel & Kingsman
Huge Marvel news this week with the return of Spider-man! Plus we talk Lando’s return, Wolverine 3, Suicide Squad and more! Not to mention getting all up and over Kingsman: The Secret Service. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
70 Daredevil, DC Reboot & Mark Millar
This time round we get into the new DC reboot, Green Lantern on Arrow, the new Daredevil trailer and more! Plus we talk the complete (not really) work of Mark Millar! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
69 Fantastic Four Is…Something?
This week we’re talking the new origin for The Joker, X-Man: Apocalypse, Batman V Superman, Ghostbuster 3 and how Fantastic Four is shaping up. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
68 Most Exciting Movies Of 2015
This episode we’re all about the most anticipated movies of of 2015! Star Wars! Age Of Ultron! Probably other ones. Exciting times. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
67 Super Villain Showdown!
This episode we’re all about pitting different popular villains against each other in a who would win football field scenario! Plus we talk Batman V Superman, X-Men Apocalypse, Captain America: Civil War, Star Wars and Spider-man. As always, thanks for listening!! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" (more…)
66 Ant-man & Agent Carter
We’re talking Star Wars! We’re talking X-Men and Gambit! We’re talking Daredevil! We’re talking the Ant-man trailer and Agent Carter. And sorry for the crackling audio this week. Don’t know what’s up with that. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
65.5 Minisode – The Hobbit 3 (Is Terrible)
Our first episode in 2015 is %100 Middle Earth! From how The Hobbit trilogy came to be to that last film that just came out. And that’s it. What fun. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
65 Best & Worst Films Of 2014
In addition to news of Star Wars, DC, Star Trek and Doctor Who we talk our favourite and least favourite films of 2014! In the most slapdash way you could possibly imagine. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
64 Best Christmas Everything Or Whatever
In addition to covering the Sony hack, news of Transformers 5, Uncharted, Pirate, Bond and more we discuss all our favourite Christmas movies, comics and tv shows. And we didn’t miss a single one. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
63 Spider-man & Sony Hack & Mid-Season Wrap Up
The recent Sony hack makes for a thing we talk about this week! Along with King Kong, Star Wars, Mad Max and more! Plus we discuss the mid-season finales for Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, Arrow and The Flash. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
62 The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy & Suicide Squad
As well as breaking down what makes Peter Jackson’s LOTR trilogy great we discuss news of the Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Deadpool, Bond, Doctor Strange & other stuff I guess…thanks for listening? Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
61 Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Jurassic World & Gotham
Massive trailers have landed for both Star Wars and Jurassic World! We also get stuck into Blade Runner 2, Wonder Woman, Bond and more! Thanks for supporting the show. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
60 The Hunger Games Mockingjay Pt 1 & Doctor Who
Episode 60 brings us news of Cowboy Ninja Viking, Howard The Duck, Highlander, Prometheus 2 & G.I. Joe 3. Plus we discuss the latest installment in the HG franchise and Doctor Who 2014! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
59 Best/Worst Comic Book Video Games
Comic books are also sometimes video games, and we talk about that. We also talk another potential Wonder Woman director, news on Captain America: Civil War, The Avengers: Infinity War and other stuff. You can also now support the show at patreon.com/mrsundaymovies. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock (more…)
58 Interstellar (Amazing Or Overrated?)
Have the Joker and Harley Quin been cast? MAYBE! We discuss that and the new Star Wars title, Bourne’s return, The Six Billion Dollar Man and more. Plus we discuss our issues and what we love from Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign (more…)
57 Marvel’s New Line-Up & The Films Of Christopher Nolan
Big week for comics book movies or whatever! We’ got Marvel’s new fine slate, Terminator stuff, Supergirl, Age Of Ultron and more! Plus we’re talking the work of Christopher Nolan! Except for Batman. Sorry. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
56 Age Of Ultron Plus Best/Worst Trailers Of All Time (& the thing about lightsaber fights)
The trailer for The Avengers: Age Of Ultron has landed so we’re talking all things…that. Plus Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, Gargoyles, The Hobbit and more. Plus we break down what sets apart a good trailer from a terrible one. Sorry about the scratchy audio in parts, it clears itself up at some point probably. Sorry (more…)
55 Civil War, DC’s Film Line-up & SUPERHERO SHOWDOWN!
This week we’re talking the big news for Marvel and DC, Civil War and DC’s new film slate. Plus we go through your suggested scenario’s concerning who would win various fights between your favourite hero’s. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
54 Arrow, The Flash & Dracula Untold
This week we’re talking Justice League villian rumours, an all female Ghostbusters, Spider-man in The Avengers, Star Wars and Daredevil. Plus we discuss the premieres of Arrow, The Flash and Universals Dracula Untold. Sorry about the scratchy audio in parts, it clears itself up at some point probably. Sorry mate, you need to be signed (more…)
53 Everything The Flash!
This week we talk Doctor Strange casting, Tetris: The Movie, Deadpool, I Am Legend and Iron Man 4. Plus take you through the history of The Flash sorta not really. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
52 Gotham, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. & Star Wars Rebels
This week marks the return of Mr Sunday, talk of Prometheus 2, The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Inception and more. Plus we talk the season premiers of Gotham, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. & Star Wars Rebels. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
51 Toonstravaganza! (with Tommy Dassalo)
This week Mr Sunday is out sick, so Maso ropes in Tommy Dassalo from bloody great Aussie podcast The Little Dum Dum Club! We talked Batman v Superman AND Shia LeBeouf news, conspiracy theories, and every cartoon ever made! Except your favourite. You should definitely e-mail us about that. Sorry mate, you need to be (more…)
50.5: Minisode? Minisode.
Minisode? Minisode. theweeklyplanet.bandcamp.com/ Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
50 Best Batman Moments
On our monumental fiftieth episode we discuss The Rock’s new roll for DC, Terminator sequels galore, a Supergirl TV series and more! Plus we share our (and your) greatest Batman moments. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>
49 Movies That Need Reboots
This week’s all about Batman V Superman, Doctor Strange casting, Fantastic Four, Greatest American Hero being remade and more! Plus we talk franchises that should be rebooted, franchises that should never been rebooted and franchises that are going to rebooted because shut-up! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a (more…)
48 Best/Worst Cancelled CBM’s Part 2
This week we talk Batman V Superman, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, James Bond, Star Wars and the new (old) Doctor Who! Plus we each share a cancelled comic book movie we vaguely researched. Mason’s is better. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign (more…)