111: Squid Game, Midnight Mass, Recipes with Friends

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles with Midnight Mass spoilers at 24:30 to 31:30: All About Yves Tonts podcast with Yves Rees Squid Game Hating Alison Ashley Looking for Alibrandi Fat Chance Recipes with Friends by Alice Oehr Midnight Mass (spoilers (more…)

Skyfall (Extended)

Skyfall is considered by many to be the pinnacle of Daniel Craig James Bond era. Blending some of the grittiness and heavy hitting action of Casino Royale with bits and pieces from the James Bond of old with the inclusion of Q, gadgets and quips it strikes a great balance between both the new and old. But some people think it’s dumb and just The Dark Knight again. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!

404: Super Mario and Star Wars Visions

Business is booming, bitch! But seriously thanks for listening. Total Reboot episodes with James & Maso: play.acast.com/s/total-reboot 00:00 The Start 05:53 Fantastic Beasts Title Reveal 11:33 Disney Plus Day Releases 14:07 Disney/Marvel Suing Situation 21:35 Roald Dahl Netflix 24:50 Robot Dog Trailer 25:39 HBO and Peacemaker Preview 28:10 Batman Day Flashpoint Tease 30:22 New Supergirl (more…)

110: Together and Lego Masters

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: Together (spoilers 05:00 to 18:18) Modern Love (spoilers 23:45 to 26:33) Love Something? Lego Masters Australia Squid Game Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow the show on (more…)

15: Finding Your Purpose with Alice Zaslavksy

Were you a weird kid? Did you love things almost too much? Ask too many questions? Feel like a fish out of water at school? Were you lonely or awkward or felt out of place in your own skin?

Well my guest today is an example of what happens when you let all of that pour out, follow your curiosities and compulsions. When you give yourself permission to be fully who you were meant to be. I have a real treat for you today.

This episode of Tonts is a wide reaching lovely conversation with the force of nature that is Alice Zaslavsky or Alice in Frames as she is known around the traps. Alice is a former teacher who is also a cook, writer, broadcaster and speaker who is also deeply passionate about vegetables. She is a polymath (someone who collects knowledge like a bower bird), a vegelante and just an all round creative wonder who loves nothing more than to inspire others to learn about food and where it comes from. I have loved Alice’s writing and her recipes for years and have always wanted to sit down with her and ask her about all the things she makes and why she does what she does. Alice is also a mum to a little human called Hazel and the story of her Jewish family’s immigration from Georgia to Australia is one of heartbreak and triumph and grit. It was a delight to sit down on a sunny afternoon in lockdown and discover a kindred spirit. The weird, nerdy kid that lives inside my head and my heart was full to the brim with joy for this vegetable loving woman. Her message is clear be you and don’t let anyone tell you differently and maybe some magic things will happen. Give yourself permission. Lean into what you love. And for goodness sake eat your vegetables.

Quantum of Solace (Extended)

Off the back of Casino Royal James Bond was very much back. And then immediately hit a speed bump with Quantum Of Solace in 2008 when the writers strike hit. Despite the return of Daniel Craig and action/espionage a plenty it failed to hit the heights of it’s predecessor BUT is it without it’s quality moments? Let’s all find out in our Caravan Of Garbage review. Thanks for the support!

403: Malignant and Hawkeye Trailer

Merry early podcast everyone. 00:00 The Start 02:10 Timecodes Below 02:26 Timecodes Below 2: Time Goes Bananas 03:35 Denis Villeneuve on Marvel Movies 08:38 Christopher Nolan Universal Demands 14:20 Twins Sequel Triplets 16:00 Indiana Jones Switch Up 21:10 Marvel Zombies Live Action 22:37 Spider-Man: No Way Home Leaks 25:43 Venom and Spider-Man Crossover 27:10 Penguin (more…)

109: The Great Lego Debate

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: Vigil Modern Love Lego Masters Miles Morales: Shock Waves Tonts with Charlie Clausen FOFOP with Claire Tonti FOFOP with James Clement Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow (more…)

14: The Stuff of Life with Charlie Clausen

Welcome to TONTS a podcast about feeling all of it. About the stories we are told about who we are. My guest this week is Charlie Clausen. Co-host of the beloved aussie podcast Tofop, actor in shows including Blue Heelers and Home and Away, Charlie is also a writer and producer working in partnership with (more…)

Casino Royale (Extended)

After Die Another Day it was time for a reinvention of the James Bond franchise. The answer became in the form of the blonde haired blue eyed actor Daniel Craig in Casino Royale. Bringing the character yet again to the modern day it’s considered to be one of, if not the best film in the franchise with incredible action, drama, revenge and romance with the inclusion of Vesper Lynd. Plus parkour. But like…good. Thanks for supporting our Caravan Of Garbage review.

402: The Matrix and New Marvel Games

It’s trailers ahoy in this extra early podcast! Honk. Total Reboot with James: play.acast.com/s/total-reboot 00:00 The Start 04:32 Michael K. Williams RIP 07:27 Mad Max Furiosa Delayed 08:32 Venom 2 Release Date 09:38 The Eternals is a Theater Exclusive 10:45 Halloween Kills on Streaming 12:32 No Time To Die Runtime 14:32 Next Nolan Movie Details (more…)

The Matrix Revolutions (Extended)

After the somewhat mixed reception of Reloaded at time of release the Matrix Trilogy concluded with Revolutions that same year. The idea was to wrap up the story of Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and Agent Smith in the most epic way possible! A mech battle with characters we didn’t recognize and a fight in the rain. It’s not all bad though, in fact, many consider it to be a worthy conclusion. Until The Matrix Resurrections that is. Thanks for watching to our Caravan Of Garbage review.

108: Lego, Draws and Doors!

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: Trofast Ikea Lego Dragons The Newsreader Doors in Games – Vox Ted or Ten Hundred Tonts! Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, (more…)

13: Surviving Home School with Dan Steele

Today my guest is Daniel Steele who is a primary school teacher, basketball aficionado, Dad of two little humans and the brains behind the wonderful website Upgrade Think Learn.

Dan is an old friend of mine and a legend of a bloke who also happens to be a vice principal at a school by the beach in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. He is also a writer and chock full of enthusiasm and creativity. I rang Dan one night after home schooling all day to pick his brains about a worry that many parents and myself had shared about how our kids are going missing so much school. What he had to say made me really think and also allowed me to get some perspective on all of it and realise that more important than how our kids will go academically is how they actually are in themselves.

Dan made me think about what we can do to help them and us through this really tricky time and reminded me that as always prioritising our mental health, how we feel in our heads and hearts will ultimately be the thing that gets us through. That being said this week I’m leaning into getting more sleep, drinking water and getting out each day for a walk or a run. It’s simple but whenever life gets tough I always think those seem to be the first things to go. When I’m spiralling into a really bad head space I run that mental checklist. Have I had water today? Have I eaten? Did I sleep? Have I exercised? It’s amazing how many problems seems more manageable if we’ve done those things. Also side note to any teachers out there thank you, you are on the front lines, are often the one consistent face parents and families are seeing each day and you are so valued. Thank you for showing up for us, our kids and our communities.

401: Best Comic Character Movies – Part Two!

Go bananas for part two of the thing in this early podcast! Thanks for listening. 00:00 The Start 03:42 Venom 2 Rated 04:32 Delays But Don’t Dismays 09:44 Spider-Man: No Way Home Moved 11:43 Moonfall Trailer 15:01 No Time To Die Final Trailer 17:56 Netflix’s Red Notice Trailer 22:34 Return of The Rocketeer 30:01 New (more…)

107: How To Fail

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. The One About Failure with Mr Sunday Movies and Chanel Lucev – Available here! This week’s Suggestibles: Hacks Miracle Workers Harry Potter How To Fail with Elizabeth Day Sam Loy and Human/Ordinary Four Corners ABC Send your recommendations (more…)

The Matrix Reloaded (Extended)

The Matrix Reloaded aimed to take everything that was great about the first and expand the world in new and exciting ways. With the return of Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and an every duplicating Agent Smith we get incredible new action scenes like the burley brawl and the highway chase plus a colouring cast of new characters. BUT. What does it all add up to? Does it even come close to the first? Somewhat I guess. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.

12: Your Own Kind of Girl with Clare Bowditch

Clare Bowditch is an author, singer and gifted story teller, a troubadour and advocate for those without power or voice. Her songs and work have meant so much to so many in our Australian community. She is an ARIA award winning musician for best female artist, won Rolling Stone’s Woman of the Year (for contribution (more…)

400: Episode 400!!

Happy podcast everyone. Thank you so much for listening. 00:00 The Start 07:11 Delays But Don’t Dismays 08:41 New Multiverse of Madness Big Name Characters 15:05 Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer 29:27 Marvel Halloween Special 32:25 The Matrix 4 Footage 40:07 SPUMM Update 42:03 The Definitive Best Movie for Each Comic Book Character! 01:21:46 What (more…)

The Matrix (Extended)

The Matrix acts as the invisible line between action movies of old and what we know today. It introduced the world to the characters of Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, other funny names etc in addition to the concept of bullet time, Hollywood actors looking like they can really fight, virtual worlds, flying metal squids, Hugo Weaving and more. I mean a lot of those things we’d seen before but who cares The Matrix aim I right? This is our Caravan Of Garbage review, thanks for the support!

106: Chewing Gum Brain

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: Nine Perfect Strangers Tonts with Tarang Chawla Mr. Corman Vivo Nate Bargatze Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Breakdown Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow the show on (more…)

11: The Urgent Need for Equality & Empathy with Tarang Chawla

This week I talk to Tarang Chawla about the stories that men in particular are told through culture about who they should be. Award winning anti-violence campaigner and writer Tarang is also a trainee lawyer using his background to advocate for social and political change particularly in our approach to mental health and gender equality. Tarang also founded the Not One More Niki movement, Australia’s largest campaign to end violence against women in culturally diverse communities, named after his younger sister Nikita who was murdered in 2015 by her former partner. Tarang is warm and funny and has done what I think the only way through is when it comes to the hardest, most heart breaking moments in our lives. Like a rock under intense heat and pressure becomes a diamond he’s taken his and his family’s pain and turned it into something beautiful and important.

399: Movies about being trapped!

We trapped. Locked inside. But that did not stop us recording this podcast on both the big news of the week and also us going through some of the best and worst bottle movies aka movies set in one location. WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE STOPPED. Thanks for listening. 00:00 The Start 04:57 The (more…)

105: The Red Cheese

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Care Australia’s Afghan Humanitarian Fund – Donate here (if you want) This week’s Suggestibles: Claire’s Do Go On Episode – Sex and the City Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton Magic Spoon Cereal Dr. Death (2021) (more…)

10: The Best Parenting Advice I Have Ever Received with Carley McGauran

Carley McGauran has been a psychologist for 15 years. In her work she has spent time with kids, young adults and their families assisting them with her sage advice about everything from how to process emotions, practice self-soothing and manage trauma to what the bloody hell we should all do about iPhones and screen time. (more…)

398: Best & Worst Movies About Video Games

Hurrah! An early podcast where you also don’t even need to have seen a movie that only just released. 00:00 The Start 06:19 Shang Chi Releasing Exclusively in Cinemas 07:46 Warner Bros Digital Release Change 09:42 Delays But Not Dismays? 14:46 Venom 2 Release Date Moved 16:04 Marvel’s Multiple Animated Series 18:04 Moon Knight Costume (more…)

104: The White Lotus

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Check out Claire’s new podcast Tonts! Sign up to Claire’s weekly bonus newsletters here – tontsnewsletter This week’s Suggestibles: The White Lotus Real Stories: Toxic Body Culture Codenames Love is Blind: The Reunion Blown Away (Glass Blowing Show) (more…)

09: I Give My Marriage A Year with Holly Wainwright

My guest today is Holly Wainwright, much beloved podcaster of both Mamamia Outloud and the parenting show This Glorious Mess. She is head of content for the Mamamia women’s media company and Holly’s honest, funny and relatable voice is one of my favourites in the Australian podcast landscape. She is an author of three books (more…)

397: The Suicide Squad

What are we some kind of guy who knows everything about anime? Thanks so much for listening. 00:00 The Start 06:46 Chronicle Sequel 11:22 Delays But Don’t Dismays 12:24 Venom 2 Trailer 15:08 Amazon’s Lord of the Rings First Look 15:59 South Park Big Deals 17:29 Y: The Last Man Trailer 19:51 He’s All That (more…)

103: As a Dad…

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Check out Claire’s new podcast Tonts! Sign up to Claire’s weekly bonus newsletters here – tontsnewsletter This week’s Suggestibles (Minor spoilers for Blood Red Sky at 42 minutes): 9 to 5 Tonts Episode with Maria Angelico Kevin Can (more…)

Suicide Squad (Extended)

Suicide Squad 2016 is everything to everyone. And by that I mean it seems everybody at Warner Brothers and DC had a different idea so then they just put all of them in one movie. An origin for Harley Joker and Joker, Batman, The Flash, Captain Boomerang, raisin men, a sword that can probably probably steal the souls of it’s victims, Richolas Flagg, alternate dimensions and realities, a blue sky beam etc. Just good stuff all round.

08: Working 9 to 5 with Maria Angelico

Let me take you back to 80s feminism with my guest today Maria Angelico. You might recognise Maria from her lead role in the hit show Sisters (now on Netflix) or from the gripping drama Stateless on the ABC. We are going to talk about her favourite movie 9 to 5 with the dream team (more…)

396: Jungle Cruise: The Rock’s Tiny Tugboat

Toot toot and an early podcast. This week, we’ve got all the classics with Schrödinger’s bat, trailers ahoy and everyone’s favourite Star Wars news. Thanks for listening mate. 00:00 The Start 04:09 Batfleck Returns 06:43 J.K. Simmons in Batgirl Series 07:49 Die Hard 6 Cancelled 08:35 Predator 5 Premise Reveal 12:13 Netflix News Roundup 21:18 (more…)

102: Peace, Love and Starstruck

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Check out Claire’s new podcast Tonts! Sign up to Claire’s weekly bonus newsletters here – tontsnewsletter This week’s Suggestibles: Puddle Hunters Seven Little Rabbits Woodstock 99 Twitter Thread Woodstock 99: Peace, Love and Rage Starstruck Rose Matafeo Instagram (more…)