We love big brands here at The Weekly Planet so let’s get ready for Marvel’s The Marvels with a big blockbuster commentary. Thanks for listening!
503: Big Marvel Crisis & The Killer Review
Happy November and early podcast everybody! Thanks for listening. 03:48 Crisis at Marvel 07:00 Post Endgame Decisions 10:35 The Kang/Jonathon Majors Situation 13:33 The Marvels Fails? 22:14 She Hulk & Unsustainable VFX 25:32 The Blade Movie Drama Continues 31:13 The Key to Reviving Marvel? 36:57 Lead Actors for Avengers: Secret Wars 38:19 The Fall Guy (more…)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I (Extended)
Because Harry Potter split it’s last book into two movies and it worked really one that one time a decision was made to take the weakest book in The Hunger Games franchises, Mockingjay and do the same. The result is two reeeeeally drawn out movies that pretty much ground the series to a sputtering halt. (more…)
50: Cancel Culture Comes for Bluey
Welcome everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet clickbait bonus show. Thanks for listening and remember, no snitches.
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502: Saw X & Five Nights at Freddy’s
A particularly spooky early podcast for you? Thanks for listening! 00:00 The Start 04:57 Matthew Perry & Richard Roundtree RIP 08:46 Max Landis’ Laptop Devastating News 13:06 Mission Impossible Delay and Title Change 17:24 Venom 3 is Happening? 19:20 Spider-Man 4 & Thor 5 Latest News 22:06 Daredevil: Born Again Series Nonsense Mess 26:32 The (more…)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Extended)
After the huge success of the first Hunger Games an adaptation of the sequel book was inevitable. So a year later in 2013 Jennifer Lawrence returns as Katniss Everdeen in a bigger budgeted follow up that asks the question, what if Hunger Games but more? With great new inclusion like Phillip Seymor Hoffman and…I dunno a poison fog or whatever this entry turned out to be the biggest box office return for the series before the decline. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!
501: Killers of the Flower Moon
Podcast is here! Thank you for listening!! 00:00 The Start 03:06 Deadpool 3 & Captain America 4 Delays 04:42 The Marvels Disaster & Brie Larson Leaving Maybe 10:50 Disney Plus Live Action Gargoyles Show 14:54 Gen V Season Two Confirmed 15:54 Kick Ass Reboot & Matthew Vaughn’s Star Wars 28:37 Killers of the Flower Moon (more…)
41: Minor Threats: A Quick End to a Long Beginning
It’s the Big Sandwiche Classique Comique Booque Clubbe! If you have any suggestions for comics? Please let us know at [email protected].
Die-Hard & Favourite Christmas Movies – Holiday Special Exclusive
James & Maso’s favourite holiday movies and DEFINITIVELY answering whether or not Die-Hard is a Christmas movie.
This is a bonus episode originally released as part of The Weekly Planet USB/Cassette tapes in 2019. You can still currently grab them at audiobooksontape.com.
Best/Worst Movies Based on Games – The Weekly Planet Live Show PAX 2018
Which one is worse? Movies based on video games or video games based on movies
Andrew Levins joins James & Maso live at PAX Australia in December 2018 to answer the toughest of questions.
Alternate Weird Versions of Comic Book Characters – The Weekly Planet’s First Ever Live Show
The Weekly Planet’s first ever live show! Recorded in April 2018 at the European Bier Cafe in Melbourne. It’s like your regular weekly episode with an assortment of news, a topic and letters, it’s time for letters. In a room packed with over 200 people.
Grab Dat Seaweed – The Weekly Planet Q&A 2019
The 2019 Q&A episode! This was initially released as a thank you for everyone donating in our charity campaign for Care Australia.
Questions include: James’ teaching stories and did Mason really review something on the podcast without ever seeing it?
Thank you again everyone who has supported us along the way. Grab dat seaweed.
Why Are You Doing This? – The Weekly Planet Q&A 2018 (Part Two)
Part two of the 2018 Q&A! This was initially released as a thank you for everyone donating in our charity campaign for Care Australia.
Questions include: Why are you doing this?
Thank you again everyone who has supported us along the way. Grab dat gem.
Behind the Scenes – The Weekly Planet Q&A 2018 (Part One)
Part one of the 2018 Q&A! This was initially released as a thank you for everyone donating in our charity campaign for Care Australia.
Questions include: What goes into making the podcast, why doesn’t Mason swear and what food would this actor be?
Thank you again everyone who has supported us along the way. Grab dat gem.
Biggest Pet Peeves & Tram Driving Stories – The Weekly Planet Q&A 2017
The 2017 Q&A episode! This was initially released as a thank you for everyone donating in our charity campaign for Movember and Men’s Mental Health.
Questions include: What’s are your biggest pet peeves, best movies to reboot and weirdest tram driving stories?
Thank you again everyone who has supported us along the way. Grab dat gem.
Why Doesn’t Mason Like James’ Brother? – The Weekly Planet Q&A 2016
The 2016 Q&A episode! This was initially released as a thank you for everyone donating in our charity campaign for UNICEF.
Questions include: How did you both meet, podcast dog’s origin story and why does Maso hate James’ brother?
Thank you again everyone who has supported us along the way. Eat dem eggs.
The Hunger Games (Extended)
In the early 2010’s every single dystopian young adult fantasy novel got a chance at a movie adaptation. Most either bombed at the box office or experienced a mild success before completely disappearing. One of the rare exceptions was The Hunger Games series, which exploded into cinemas in 2012 bringing Jennifer Lawrence mainstream success. The concept is simple. Put a bunch of kids in an arena and have them kill each other. No wonder everybody loved it. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review.
195: Love Stories, Saunas & Mr Sunday’s Most Surprising Suggestible
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. Tickets available for Claire’s Friday Night Chai Concert on Nov 24th at Seven Sisters Festival, Glenaroua – www.clairetonti.com/events Stay tuned for tickets to Claire’s speech with Generation Women on Nov 22nd at Howler Bar, Brunswick – https://www.generationwomenaus.com/ This (more…)
28 Days Later (2002) – The Weekly Planet Movie Commentary
To celebrate the spookiest time of the year (and I’m not talking about tax time), James & Maso look back at a great zombie movie from 2002.
500: The Best, Worst and Weirdest Movies of the Last 10 Years
An early episode 500 and just thank you so much for listening. Watch James & Maso on Two in the Think Tank episode 400 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcqwvOc1m7s 00:00 The Start 03:02 Keith Giffen RIP 04:53 Daredevil: Born Again Series Drama 12:07 The Marvels’ Pre-Sale Troubles 15:10 The Rocketeer Disney Plus Reboot 20:20 A24 Productions’ Commercial Change-Up 24:00 (more…)
The Green Hornet (Extended)
You’d think with the combination of Seth Rogan & Evan Goldberg the minds behind The Boys, Superbad and TMNT Mutant Mayhem, director Michel Gondry from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and the cast of Christoph Waltz, Jay Chou and Cameron Diaz that The Green Hornet 2011 would not be terrible. But it is. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!
499: Ahsoka, Loki S2 and The Beekeeper
Alert! Alert! Early podcast and thanks for listening. 00:00 The Start 03:42 X-Men Intro Ideas for the MCU 09:11 Taylor Swift Deadpool 3 Rumours 10:36 Silent Night & The Beekeeper Trailers 21:14 The Toxic Avenger Trailer 22:16 Barney the Dinosaur Movie Will Be Normal 24:12 DC’s Peacemaker Season Two Update 28:35 Oh No That’s Devastating (more…)
The Phantom (Extended)
In 1996 Paramount Pictures took a shot at creating another Indiana Jones franchise with The Phantom. Starring Billy Zane as Kit Walker, the latest in the Ghost Who Walks lineage it mashes together action, adventure and romance into a pretty okay package with some wonky internal logic. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!
Pop Culture in 1933 – James & Maso’s Time Crapsule
Welcome to another episode of James & Maso’s Time Crapsule! 00:00 The Start 02:04 Movies 07:44 TV Shows? 08:56 Events 18:56 Music 26:54 Books & Comics 31:00 Toys & Games 33:22 Births & Deaths 37:12 Ranking the Year Do you care to suggest a year? Feel free to email over at [email protected]. Hot stuff. Sorry (more…)
498: The Creator Review & The DCU Hasn’t Started Yet
Early podcast and merry ten years of the podcast everyone. Thanks so much for listening. 00:00 The Start 04:39 Michael Gambon & David McCallum RIP 09:35 The Writer’s Strike Finally Ends 16:38 The DCU Hasn’t Started Yet 20:30 Rick & Morty Season 7 Trailer 22:51 Matthew Vaughn’s Argylle Trailer 27:05 The Marvels Confirmed Shortest MCU (more…)
The Shadow (Extended)
Before the genesis of Batman there was The Shadow. But after the movie Batman 1989 there was The Shadow 1994. Aiming to capitalise on a comic book trend kicked off by Warner Brothers and Tim Burton it sees Alec Baldwin, a contender for the role of Bruce Wayne, manifesting the ghostly presence of Lamont Cranston. By day, good time millionaire playboy. By night, a guy with a hat and a bandana and a prosthetic nose with vague mystical powers which he uses to fight crime. Anyways it bombed. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!
49: James & Maso Answer The Web’s Most Stunning Clickbait
Welcome everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet clickbait bonus show. Thanks for listening and remember, no snitches. 00:00 The Start 02:04 Daredevil Leaving the MCU? 18:14 Agatha MCU Series Sets Record? 24:00 Zoe Saldana & Chris Pratt Married? Feel free to send the best clickbait stories you find in the wild to [email protected] (more…)
497: No One Will Save You
Get ready for the spookiest time of the year with early podcast and movie review? Thanks for listening! 05:11 The Marvels Big Budget 09:18 New Daredevil Series Shenanigans 13:07 Aquaman 2 Early Screening Walkouts 15:54 Tim Burton on The Flash Movie Cameos 17:57 The Expendables 4 First Reactions 21:35 The Creator First Reactions 25:23 Percy (more…)
The Rocketeer (Extended)
Big apologies this week, our Caravan Of Garbage on The Rocketeer is delayed due to illness. And although it’s not the same as a video here’s the audio extended version. Again, apologies for the delay.
Before Captain America: The First Avengers director Joe Johnston brought us The Rocketeer. Second in our series of pulpy/throwback comic back adaptations (that failed) this adaptation takes us back to the 1930s, an era with rocket powered heroes, thin mustachioed villains and swashbuckling action. Intended to kick off a new Indiana Jones styled adventure series it fell short of Disney’s expectations and is largely forgotten despite being quite a fun ride. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!
40: Best & Worst RoboCop Vs The Terminator Comics
It’s the Big Sandwiche Classique Comique Booque Clubbe! If you have any suggestions for comics? Please let us know at [email protected].
496: Blue Beetle
Another extra early podcast and we’re finally able to do a Blue Beetle review! Thanks for listening. 02:34 El Muerto Movie Cancelled 07:26 One Piece Renewed for Season Two 09:33 Lando Star Wars Series is Now a Movie 12:54 New Wolverine Actor in Deadpool 3 17:05 Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Trailer 20:25 Aquaman 2: The (more…)
Dick Tracy (Extended)
For this next series of Caravan Of Garbage reviews we’re taking a look at a five classic comic book propeties that were adapted into underperforming or underwhelming movies. This week we’re kicking things off with 1990’s Dick Tracey. Directed by and starring Warren Beatty it takes the pulp detective and pits him in a bizarre (more…)
Pop Culture in 1978 – James & Maso’s Time Crapsule
Welcome to another episode of James & Maso’s Time Crapsule! 00:00 The Start 02:42 Movies 11:37 TV Shows 18:35 Events 29:43 Music 39:17 Books & Comics 42:04 Toys & Games 46:57 Births & Deaths 50:56 Ranking the Year Do you care to suggest a year? Feel free to email over at [email protected]. Hot stuff. Sorry (more…)
495: One Piece & The Rotten Tomatoes Scandal
An early podcast featuring the guy who knows everything about anime? 00:00 The Start 05:11 Big Losses at Warner Bros. 15:30 The Rotten Tomatoes Scandal 26:31 Sam Raimi for Avengers: Secret Wars 29:15 Marvel’s What If? Season Two Episodes 33:58 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Box Office Success 35:24 Gen V (The Boys Spin-Off) Trailer (more…)
RoboCop 2014 (Extended)
In 2014 the most powerful people on earth (Hollywood) decided to bless us all with a reboot of the original RoboCop. Taking some cues for the 1987 classic it brought Joel Kinnaman into the title role of Alex Murphy in a effort to again revamp the classic series. With a stellar cast including Michael Keaton, Michael K Williams, Jack Earl Haley, Abbie Cornish, Sam Jackson it certainly tries some things but ultimately comes out feeling rather toothless. Thanks for watching along as we reviewed all of the RoboCop movies!
The Flash (2023) – The Weekly Planet Movie Commentary
Join James & Maso as they talk over this Batman movie! Let’s just have fun with it. Thanks for listening.
494: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
It might be a late review but you can’t deny this is an early podcast. Thanks for listening. 05:08 Arleen Sorkin RIP 07:38 Disney Cancelling Stuff 09:35 Ferrari Trailer 12:21 CEOs Baffled (Strike Updates) 18:41 More MCU Delays (But Good) 20:26 The Marvels’ Surprising Runtime 23:24 Box Office Record Time 25:59 The Batman 2: Clayface (more…)
RoboCop 3 (Extended)
By RoboCop 3 the good people at Orion knew what kind of audience the franchise solely appealed to, children. This obviously wasn’t true but for this final entry in the original RoboCop saga things take a PG turn with toned down violence, satire and the disappearance of Peter Weller for Robert John Burke. Sure he has a jet pack and a flame thrower now and there’s a Japanese Cyborg ninja but none of it really comes together. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage review!
493: Ahsoka & Rebel Moon Trailer
Star Wars is back! And so is early podcast, thanks for listening. 00:00 The Start 07:44 Dune: Part Two & More Delays 13:50 Writers Reject Studio’s Offer To End Strike 19:23 Frasier Series Revival Trailer 20:30 The Expend4bles Trailer 21:41 Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon Trailer & Video Game News 36:18 TMNT: Mutant Mayhem Helps Make (more…)
RoboCop 2 (Extended)
RoboCop 2 was inevitable after the success of the original. And you know what? It could have been much worse. With a more competent cyborg enemy, some solid comedic moments and Peter Weller being at the top of his game in terms of RoboCop sequels this remains the best case scenario despite some obvious shortcomings. Thanks for watching!
48: Will James Love or Hate this Clickbait?
Welcome everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet clickbait bonus show. Thanks for listening and remember, no snitches. 00:00 The Start 01:22 Sony Loses Spider-Man Character 22:00 Kathleen Kennedy Not Fired 30:58 Phase Five’s Black Widow Cameo Makes Secret Invasion’s Snubbed MCU Hero Return Worse Feel free to send the best clickbait stories you (more…)
492: Best & Worst Urban Legends in Movies
Karl Urban is a good one obviously and thanks for listening to this early podcast. Jack Druce’s ‘Trying to update the rule book after Air bud’ video: https://twitter.com/Jackdruce/status/1340632342503641089 00:00 The Start 04:48 Disney Gets Sued 11:57 Hasbro Launches Entertainment Division 19:09 New Godzilla Monsterverse Series 22:42 Thor 5 Movie in the Works 25:10 The MCU (more…)
Robocop 1987 (Extended)
The original RoboCop from 1987 is incredible. Directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Peter Weller as the titular RoboCop/Alex Murphy it remains one of the best sci-fi films of all time. With its retro futuristic, satirical and hyper-violent aesthetic it truly is a one of a kind experience that will never be replicated. Despite RoboCop 2, RoboCop 3, the 2014 reboot, the two tv series, multiple games and upcoming legacy sequel. Thanks for watching!
39: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin
It’s the Big Sandwiche Classique Comique Booque Clubbe! If you have any suggestions for comics? Please let us know at [email protected].
491: The Last Voyage of the Demeter (Dracula on a Boat)
The Dracula-Verse continues with an early podcast! Thanks for listening. 00:00 The Start 06:27 Marvel VFX Artists Unionize 09:30 Sonic 3 Filming Without Actors 12:23 Bob Iger’s Big Marvel Slow Down 15:28 No Wonder Woman 3 with Gal Gadot 16:58 Superman: Legacy Suit and Speculation 20:27 David Ayer’s Suicide Squad Again 22:56 Blue Beetle Doing (more…)
Star Wars: Rebels Finale (Extended)
Grand Admiral Thrawn will make his live action debut in Ashoka play again by Lars Mikkelsen. So in preparation for that we revisit the two part finale of Star Wars: Rebels Family Reunion and Farewell. Setting the scene with space whales, the disappearance of Ezra Bridger and Thrawn, Captain Rex on the Endor strike force and a time travel tree this series is considered some of the best Star Wars ever created. Thanks for watching!
194: And Just Like That, They Cloned Tyrone
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: 06:00 And Just Like That S2 25:44 They Cloned Tyrone 29:52 Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, (more…)
Deep Blue Sea (1999) – The Weekly Planet Movie Commentary
We’re going to need a bigger The Meg.
490: Meg 2: The Trench!
New Meg, Old Chum, Early Podcast? Thanks for listening! 00:00 The Start 04:35 Guy Who Hates Star Wars 07:17 Kraven, Ghostbusters & Spider-Verse Delayed 13:03 Stephen Amell & SAG-AFTRA Strike Controversies 21:31 Why The Witcher Series is Bad? 25:18 Wonder Woman 3 with Gal Gadot 27:05 Fantastic Four Casting Rumours 30:06 Barbenheimer Controversy 32:10 Why (more…)
193: Deadloch & More Barbie Movie
Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti. This week’s Suggestibles: 01:38 And Just Like That S2 08:20 Deadloch 17:19 Barbie Movie – Louis Newstead’s Blog Send your recommendations to [email protected], we’d love to hear them. You can also follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook (more…)