145 Comic Con 2016 – Justice League! Wonder Woman! Marvel Stuff!

Huge week for the things this show is about, Comic Con 2016 is here! WOOOOOOO. We’re talking all the new trailers for Wonder Woman, Justice League, Doctor Strange, Kong Skull Island, Luke Cage, The Defenders as well as Captain Marvel casting and news of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2, Thor: Ragnarok, Spider-man Homecoming, Black (more…)

144 Ghostbusters is…& Star Wars Celebration

So get this right. This week’s episode we talk Star Trek 4, Shane Black’s Predators, Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 and Ghostbusters! 2016! We also break down the highs and lows of Star Wars Celebration Europe. Thanks for listening 4:16 Star Trek 4 Star Track Commentary patreon.com/mrsundaymovies or weeklyplanetpod.bandcamp.com/ 7:28 James Franco in new (more…)

143 Dumb Movie Futures That Are Wrong

We’re getting into a topic this week Mason has been banging on about for bloody ages, Dumb Futures From Movies That Have Already Happened. Some thing like that. We also talk Tony Stark being replaced as Iron Man, Star Wars Rogue One trailer, The Killing Joke, Sulu being gay and Thor: Ragnarok. Thanks for listening! (more…)

142 Game Of Thrones S6 & BVS Ultimate Cut

This week we sum up our feelings on Game Of Thrones Season 6, discuss why Tazan isn’t resonating with audiences, touch on James Cameron’s dislike for The Force Awakens, something about Spider-man Homecoming, Underworld Blood Wars, Jared Leto in Justice League and more! Plus we break down the good and bad of the Batman V (more…)

141 Big Justice League News & Independence Day Resurgence

Massive week for Justice League news with a set visit bringing us news of a tonal shift, new costumes, vehicles, scene descriptions and a mullet for Superman (hopefully). We also get stuck right into Independence Day:Resurgence, Rogue One returning Star Wars characters, Indiana Jones 5, whose controlling Spider-man and more! Thanks for listening everyone. Yous (more…)

140 Big E3 Reveals & Warcraft is

By big E3 reveals we mean just the ones that we care about/remember. Spider-man! Batman Arkham VR! Resident Evil The Seventh One! A zombie one probably! We also get stuck into DC news as well as movement on the Wonder Woman front, Spider-man Homecoming casting, a new Superman for Supergirl and Warcraft! Thanks for listening. (more…)

139 Best Cartoons To Adapt Into Movies

With Voltron Legendary Defender being pretty good we thought we’d talk cartoons like we’d like to get adapted into live action movies with a whole bunch of your suggestions! Plus we get into the Injustice Gods Among Us 2 reveal, Superman appearing in Supergirl, Pacific Rim 2 casting, Alien Covenant, the Aquaman movie and more! (more…)

138 BVS Ultimate Cut & Ninja Turtles 2

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out Of The Shadows is out, underperforming the world over! We get into that as well as the death of a legend, Doc Savage, Star Wars Rogue One reshoots, Spider-man 4 concept art and the Batman V Superman: Ultimate Cut. Thanks for listening. You guys are alright. 1:56 RIP Muhammad Ali (more…)

137 X-Men Apocalypse is

This week we get stuck into potential Power Rangers sequels, the Preacher pilot, DC Rebirth, a shocking Captain America twist that isn’t that shocking, Warcraft reviews, Bond stuff and new Wolverine villains. Plus we break down the good and bad of X-Men: Apocalypse! Mason has some stuff to say. Big time. You can find the X-Men (more…)

136 Big DC Changes & Defunct Comic Book Universes 2!

This week Mason recounts some more cancelled comic book universes! All the classics you neither remember or love, they’re back for this very special episode that’s pretty much a regular episode. We also talk the new trailers for Ghostbusters and Star Trek Beyond, Star Wars Episode VIII getting a title, Tetris the movie, changes over (more…)

134 Captain America Civil War is…

It’s finally, here Captain America: Civil War has been released the world over! We get stuck into the spoiler free and spoiler heavy side of the film including new characters, story, action sequences and the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We also talk the new look Power Rangers, Ben Affleck joining Justice League as (more…)

133 DC Rumours Plus Alien & Aliens (Are Great)

This week we get stuck right into the best Alien films of all time! Alien VS Predator and Prometheus. Obviously that’s not true, we’re talking Alien and Aliens. Plus both postive and negative rumours for the DC Cinematic Universe, Lara Croft being cast, Wolverine in X-Men Apocalypse, 20th Century Fox abandons SDCC and The Punisher (more…)

132 Iron Man In Spider-man & Bourne Returns

Big week for movie newes..es. Iron man joins Spider-man Homecoming, Jason Bourne returns, the Inhumans movie gets cancelled plus we get trailers for Independance Day Resurgence, Jason Bourne and Magnificent Seven. We also see the return of a fan favourite segment, H8 Mail But The Hate Has An Eight In It. Thanks for listening! 1:13 (more…)

131 Doctor Strange & Suicide Squad Trailers!

Huge week for trailers! Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange, Nine Lives, TMNT2! Classics, every one of them. Plus we talk casting for Kingsman 2, Thor: Ragnarok, the Han Solo solo movie, MIB23, Spider-man. WE also get into MIB23, inexplicable Avatar sequels forever, Deadpool 2 and other stuff. Plus Jason Statham fights a giant shark the movie? (more…)

129 BvS Box Office & Burton’s Batman

This week we break down the box office performance of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. Plus we get into the Suicide Squad reshoots, Blade Runner 2 casting, the New Mutants movie, Gambit being delayed, Dungeon & Dragons getting a director and Ewan McGregors return to Star Wars. We also talk the Tim Burton Batman (more…)

128 Batman V Superman Is…(dramatic pause)

It’s finally here, Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. What an exciting time to be alive. Or is it? Here our in depth…constructive criticism of the film in both spoiler heavy and spoiler free detail. We also get into news the return of Voltron, Captain Britain in the MCU, the Lego Batman Movie, The Tick (more…)

127 Daredevil Season 2! DISCUSSION!

This week we’re all about Daredevil Season 2 and whether it stacks up to the first. The good, the not as good, the other stuff that we say. Plus we get into news of Indiana Jones 5, casting for young Indiana Jones, new trailers for Warcraft and X-Men: Apocalypse and George Lucas hanging out in Adelaide (more…)

126 Spider-man & Civil War Trailer Plus 10 Cloverfield Lane

Hey. Hello! New Spider-Man and that Civil War Trailer with the latest happenings in Cloverfield town. We also get into possible Tomb Raider and Queen casting, Grimbsy as best/worst movie ever and #GoTBros MASON. 4:35 Daisy Ridley as Lara Croft Tomb Raider 7:25 Sylvester Stallone role In Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 9:04 Sacha Baron (more…)

125 Ghostbusters Trailer & Christopher Reeve Superman Films

This week we’re all about eh Christopher Reeve Superman films and whether or not they stack up to modern standards. We also get stuck into that new Ghostbusters trailer that everyone hates, news of a solo Venom movie, Green Lantern in the DCU, Batman V Superman box office predictions, Sandman, American Gods, a gay Luke (more…)

124 R Rated Comic Book We Want To See

In this episode of the show we do every week called The Weekly Planet we get stuck into Iron Fist casting, Daredevil news, Pacific Rim 2 getting off the ground, a super secret Batman V Superman smear campaign and all the R Rated comic book properties we’d like to see on the big screen! 4:04 (more…)


What a huge bloody week! Star Wars VIII is underway, Blade Runner 2 gets a release date, San Andreas 2 is happening for some reason but it has volcanoes, Deadpool makes box office history and will The Hulk appear in Civil War? Plus we get back into our much requested episode, Superhero Showdown! Or whatever (more…)

122 Deadpool movie, any good

Deadpool week has finally arrived which means we’re breaking down the highly anticipated release in both a spoiler and spoiler free way (seperately). We get into what worked, what didn’t, post credits seen, the future of the series and more. Plus we talk the final Batman V Superman trailer, Transformers 6, 7 and 8 competition, (more…)

121 SUPERBOWL TV SPOTS! Civil War, Batman V Superman, X-Men!

You can blame bloody football for the delay of this weeks podcast as we wanted to get in all the TV Spots for the 2016 Superbowl! We’re talking Captain America: Civil War, Batman V Superman, X-Men Apocalypse, Ninja Turtles, Independence Day Resurgence, The Jungle Book and others probably! We also touch on news concerning Rogue (more…)

120 Best Worst Cancelled Comic Book Movies 3!

This Monday we’re all about comic book movies that never made it to the big screen! We’re talking a follow-up to Batman & Robin, Doctor Strange from 2007 and an early Green Arrow movie! Plus we get into exciting Legends Of Tomorrow news, Darkseid confirmed for the DC Universe, a new Justice League animated series (more…)

119 DC’s Massive Line Up! Sucide Squad, Wonder Woman & More!

Huge week for DC with new info on Batman V Superman, Justice League, Wonder Woman and a brand new Suicide Squad trailer! Plus we talk McG directing the He-Man movie, Star Wars 8 getting delayed, DC Comics getting rebooted (again) and great Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 news! Sorry mate, you need to be (more…)

117 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2016

2016 looks to be a year where lot’s of movies come out at the cinema! So this week we’re talking what we’re looking forward to most including Civil War, Batman V Superman, Suicide Squad, Rogue One and Mason’s personal favourite, The Jungle Book. Also we get into the new images and concept art for Doctor (more…)

116 Best & Worst Of 2015!

Man. What a long rambling piece of nonsense this week’s episode is. We cover all the movies/tv shows we loved and despised in 2015 including best and worst comic book movies, biggest disappointments and who has the most versatile hair. We also get into the new Deadpool trailers, Batman V Superman News and how Star (more…)

115 Star Wars The Force Awakens, Success Or Rehash

Possibly our most anticipated episode ever! Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoiler free and then spoiler heavy review! Plus we get into what makes the Star Trek trailer terrible, Independence Day: Resurgence, Fantastic Beasts And How To Make A Boring trailer, Spider-man popping up in the Doctor Strange movie and more! Star Wars talk starts (more…)

114 Star Wars The Force Awakens Predictions, X-Men Apocalypse & Ninja Turtles 2

This week we’re all about Star Wars The Force Awakens speculation! Who is Kylo Ren, Rey and Finn? Where’s Luke Skywalker? How ungracefully will Han Solo die? So many questions. Plus we get into the first X-Men: Apocalypse and Ninja Turtles 2 trailer, talk Hunger Games prequels and something about Tarzan I dunno. Sorry mate, (more…)

112 Civil War Trailer (& differences from the comic)

Huge week for Marvel with the release of the first Captain America: Civil War trailer! We also talk Fantastic Four 2 being cancelled, Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 rumours, Alien: Covenant, Legends of Tomorrow and Tom Cruise joining The Mummy reboot. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" (more…)

111 Jessica Jones, best Marvel property yet

Another week another this show we do. This time we’re all about Marvel’s new Netflix series Jessica Jones as well as the last Hunger Games movie. Plus Peter Jackson on the failures of The Hobbit, Wonder Woman, more Riddick stuff, Justice League Dark and Shrek for some reason. Jessica Jones spoilers 105.45-114.25 Sorry mate, you (more…)

110 Spectre (Is Balls)

Apart from talking about how Spectre ain’t great, this week we get into DC movie news with Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad, a new director for Gambit, when the X-Men Apocalypse trailer is going to drop and new Star Wars: The Force Awakens footage galore! As always thanks for listening. Sorry mate, you need to (more…)

108 Best Horror Movie Icons

To celebrate the fact it was Halloween recently apparently we bumble our way through the best horror movie icons! Plus news of a Batman: Under The Red Hood movie, Suicide Squad, Indiana Jones 5 again, Alien 5 being delayed, Power Rangers, Iron Fist and Guardians Of The Galaxy 2! Thanks for listening. Sorry mate, you (more…)

107 Star Wars The Force Awakens Final Trailer

Massive week for all things Star Wars. Broken box office records, a new poster, trailer and so much #StarWarsJacketSpeculation. Plus news of Batman V Superman including the rumour that Batman may not be whom he appears to be, a director for Ant-man and The Wasp, Jessica Jones, Wonder Woman and Thor: Ragnarok. Thanks for all (more…)

104 The Martian

In addition to talking about Matt Damon and Ridley Scott’s The Martian we get into news of Damage Control, Batman V Superman being rated, a Kingsman 2/Robin Hood: Origins clash, Game Of Thrones the movie, Thor Ragnarok and the death of the Terminator franchise. Finally. Thanks for listening! Oh and the non-spoiler timestamp is 1:11:22. (more…)

103 Best Sci-Fi Films

This time around we’re all about some of the best sci-fi films of all time! Plus we cover news of Darth Vader’s return, Prometheus 2, Sinister 6, Ghostbusters a new Wolverine and I think we talk about Pan again for a bit? Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a (more…)

102 James Bond – The Craig Years

Big news this week for Batman creator Bill Finger, the Transformers universe expands, Pacific Rim 2 gets pushed back, Dr Strange casting, Gamit loses its director and more! Plus we break down the Daniel Craig era of Bond. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" (more…)

101 Defunct Comic Book Universes

This week Mason makes good on his promise to talk cancelled or defunct comic book universes. Plus we get into our first look at Matt Damon’s return to Bourne, less Superman in Batman V Superman, the Jessica Jones teaser, Apocalypse not looking like garbage anymore, Preacher, Star Wars Rogue One and Godzilla VS King Kong. (more…)

100! Star. Wars. Prequels

In our extra special extended episodes (we definitely intended it to be this long) we break down what is the Star Wars prequels. Plus we get into news of Zod’s part in Batman V Superman, The Totally Awesome Hulk, Arrow, Force Friday, Disney’s Age Of Ultron disappointment and a big shake-up at Marvel. Thank you (more…)

99 Superhero Showdown Returns!

The much requested Superhero Showdown episode makes a return where we pit your favourite comic/movie/tv characters against each other to determine who’s slightly better! Also we get into news of the new Civil War line-up, Star Wars The Force Awakens, Assassins Creed and undoubtable something else to do with whatever this podcast is about. Thanks (more…)

98 Best & Worst Video Game Movies

In honour of Hitman: Agent 47 being terrible we go through every video game movie ever! Plus some sad news for Batman fans, Michael Shannon on Batman V Superman, Victor Frankenstien, Suicide Squad, Zorro, He-man, Wolverine and whatever else we said. Thanks for listening! Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this (more…)

97 Civil War, Star Wars & The Man From U.N.C.L.E

With D23 taking place over the weekend we got heaps of news covering all things Marvel and Star Wars, Pixar and more. Plus we get into The Man From Uncle, despite no-one having seen it. Fun. Sorry mate, you need to be signed in to unlock this bonus: <a href="https://bigsandwich.co/wp-login.php" title="Sign In">Sign In</a>

96 Fantastic Four & Deadpool Trailer

Two significant events occured this week, the newest Fantastic Four film was released and so was a brand new Deadpool trailer. But they were significant for different reasons. Also we get into Ben Aflleck making more Batman films, an X-Men tv series plus Pez. The movie. THANKS FOR LISTENING ALL CAPS. Sorry mate, you need (more…)